Image Placeholder(This guide assumes you already have the Customer, Product, and Intake Information already entered, and have evaluated the unit for repair to determine what part or parts will be necessary.)

In the SRO Window:

1. In “Work Notes” (under the “Work Info” tab), create and add a note to be submitted to Apple as a Technician Note. Click on that note in the list of “Work Notes,” and check the box that says “Send to GSX.” (Note: A repair cannot be submitted without both a Technician Note and a Customer Reported Symptom.)

2. Click the “GSX Parts Lookup” button to bring up a list of parts associated with the unit in repair. You can use the “Filter Parts List” field (at the top left) to search for a specific part by description or product code. (If you need to refresh the listing, click the “Clear All” button at the top right of the "Parts List" window.)

Click the “Plus” to add the part to the repair. (If the part is not already in CheckIn, a Product Card will be created, and the product can be added from there.) A pop-up window will give you the opportunity to select the appropriate pricing option (Stock Price, Exchange Price, Battery Only Price, Part Required for Repair or Covered Under Warranty), and the part will be added to the repair. You can add additional parts using the same sequence.

3. Once all parts have been added, check the check boxes to the right of each product to be ordered from Apple. Click the “Create PO” button in the Dashboard to create a Purchase Order. Once you’re content that parts and pricing are correct, you can close the PO window. (The PO will automatically be posted when the repair is successfully submitted to Apple.)

4. Click the “GSX” button in the Task Bar to create a GSX Repair Ticket. Note that information from the SRO, as well as the associated PO number, are automatically added to the ticket.

Image Placeholder
In the GSX Ticket:

1. Enter the Received Date and Time. You can type this information, or use the date picker and drop down functions.

2. Make sure the “Repair Type is set appropriately. (For many repairs, it will be “Carry-In.”)

Under the “Troubleshooting” tab, enter the Symptom, Reported Issue, and Reproducibility. (The Priority, Type and Order fields will likely be automatically chosen by CheckIn.)

3. Under the “Troubleshooting” tab, enter the Symptom, Reported Issue, and Reproducibility. (The Priority, Type and Order fields will likely be automatically chosen by CheckIn.)

To the right, in the “Troubleshooting” tab, you'll see a small '?' icon -- click on that to check for any questions that need to be answered for the Repair to be successfully submitted.

4. Under the “Parts” tab, select the Coverage Option, Symptom, Reported Issue, and Reproducibility for each part. When you select a "Coverage Option," that selection will propagate to each of the other listed parts.

If you need to remove a part, click on the small ‘Trash Can’ icon to the right of the part. (Note: this will also remove the part from the PO. To prevent a part from being submitted to GSX, use the "Omit" checkbox.) 

5. For AppleCare+ repairs, the AppleCare+ Service Fee will appear under the “Parts” tab, but this should not be included. Click the “Omit” checkbox at the far right to keep it from being submitted.

6. If you need to Mark the Repair for Review, check the “Request Review by Apple” box. (GSX offers the opportunity to check pricing or to save a Repair before submission only in the web interface — when in doubt, Mark the Repair for Review.)

When you do this, you'll need to create a "Work Info" entry (in the SRO window), and check the box that says "Review Request Note," so the note is submitted with the GSX Repair.

7. Once you’re content that everything is correct, click “Submit to Apple” button along the top of the window to send the repair. It will return a GSX ID (or Repair Number) and the cost of repair, and add this information to the “Status” tab, and to the “Timeline.” If you click on the small ‘spyglass’ icon next to “GSX ID,” it will open the repair in GSX.

In certain circumstances, you may see a warning from CheckIn that GSX has returned a part that is not on your SRO or PO. This is a built-in feature of CheckIn, to help confirm that all essential parts are included on the SRO and PO. (For example, if you've created a GSX Repair out of warranty and not added part ACSH08 (Shipping Charges for Carry-In Order, CheckIn may offer to add that part.)

In most cases, if you're confident the additional part is unnecessary, you can dismiss the warning by clicking "No."

Updates in the GSX Ticket

8. Once a Repair has been set up in GSX, additional options will become available under the “Parts” tab. The “Device Details” Button will offer (among other details) Tracking Information once the part has shipped, with a clickable link. KBB and KGB numbers can also be added and submitted to Apple. (The 'Barcode' icon will turn green when a number has been entered.) You can also use this tool to set parts for return as part of the Good Part Return (GPR) process, Convert to Stock (CTS) process, or Dead on Arrival (DOA) process.

9. Depending on how CheckIn has been configured, specific Status updates can be sent to GSX to mark the as Parts Ordered, Complete, or even Closed. Different Status labels can be configured based on your preferred workflow, and sending these Status updates to GSX is optional. You can change the Status here, or in the SRO Window.

Please note: KBB/KGB Updates and Status Updates are separate processes. We recommend updating KBB/KGB information first, before sending a Status Update to GSX.

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Cancelling and Resubmitting a GSX Repair

In the event that you need to cancel and resubmit a new GSX Repair under the existing SRO: once the previous GSX Repair has been cancelled in GSX, a small ‘cycle’ icon will appear to the right of the ‘spyglass’ icon (next to “GSX ID” in the “Status” tab in the GSX Ticket.). Click on this to clear the previous GSX Repair details, and you will be able to set up and submit a new GSX Repair. (Note that this icon will only be visible if an existing GSX Repair submitted through CheckIn has been cancelled.)

Part Required for Repair

In the event that you have a Repair for which an additional part is to be provided by Apple at no cost (such as replacing the Battery for an iPhone X, which also requires replacement of the Speaker), choose "Part Required for Repair" when specifying the pricing option. (Note that this option will only be available for specific parts.)

Duplicate Parts

In the event that you need to order a multiple of the same part (as opposed to multiple parts), you will need to add the part as multiple line items on the SRO and PO, rather than as a multiple quantity. For example, let’s say you needed to replace both I/O Boards in a MacBook Pro — you would add “923-01444, I/O Board” twice on the SRO, instead of as a quantity of two. (GSX doesn’t seem to have the capability to add parts in a quantity greater than one, and if you submit a repair with a quantity greater than one, it will add only one unit.)

Setting the Time Zone Offset

Apple uses the Local Date and Time when a GSX Repair is submitted through CheckIn. To make sure your Workstation is reporting the proper Date and Time, go to Admin > Workstation Setup > Preference  and select "Local Time Zone Offset." If you click on the "Information" icon, CheckIn will show you a list of geographical locations, and their Time Zone Offsets (from UTC). Enter the number that applies to your location.

Note that you may need to make an adjustment to this setting if you are currently under Daylight Savings Time (DST), and again once your location exits it.

A Note on Mail-In Repairs

During the development of CheckIn, a great deal of time and effort was invested into building tools to create and submit Mail-In Repairs with the same ease that we've brought to Carry-In Repairs. Unfortunately, issues with Apple's GSX APIs have not made this possible.

However, you can still use the tools in CheckIn to do most of the heavy-lifting of setting up a Mail-In Repair, which can be quickly completed and submitted in GSX on the web.

Create a GSX Repair in CheckIn, following the procedure documented above. (Add the Mail-In Service tiers for Parts and Labor, and the AppleCare+ Service Fee or Portable Shipping Charge, as necessary. For "Repair Type," select whatever Mail-In Repair is applicable.)

When you come to the point of submitting the Repair, click the "Create Draft on GSX" button. This will create -- but not submit -- the Repair on GSX. Once the Draft has been successfully created, you can go to GSX on the web (click the "Spyglass" icon next above the GSX ID field), to complete and submit the Repair.

When you return to the SRO, you'll see a reference to a "Draft Repair" above the GSX ID field. To remove that, select and copy the Repair ID, and using the "Gear" icon at the bottom right corner of the SRO window, select "Manually Enter GSX Repair ID". Enter the Repair ID and the date the Repair was created. This will link the SRO to the Repair in GSX, and give you the benefits of GSX integration in CheckIn (including updating the status, and marking a Repair closed or complete).