Exporting customers from POSIM and getting them in the correct format doe take some time. Since we were going to look at every ID, make sure you eliminated duplicates and cleared out entries that were just wrong at the same time. 

Here's what was shared by a CheckIn client:

1. Open the customer card and click Advanced Search.

2. Choose a range to search that includes all of your customer IDs, like 1 to 20000.

3. Export to Excel or csv.

4. Delete columns not transferring to CheckInPOS.

5. Sort the file by last name and then first name.

6. Delete any IDs that are clearly wrong (for example, no name).

7. Look at any multiples with the same first and last name.

      a. Use other information (like address, email, and phone) to see if they are the same person or not.

      b. If they are the same, merge to one customer ID.

8. For rows with the same customer ID, we moved the data we needed to one of the rows and deleted the others so our final data contained only one row per customer ID.

9. Finally, put the columns in the same order as the template and make sure the header row is also the same as the template.