We worked very hard to integrate GSX into CheckIn and it's pretty darn solid but at times you may need help with an error that we may tell you is on Apple's side of the fence and therefore need to email GSX Web Services for assistance.

Most GSX integration issue happen during onboarding due to Apple ID issues.  A few GSX error might occur after onboarding and after successful GSX lookups such as "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden & X-Apple-Error-Codes: UNAUTHORIZED"

If your GSX lookups are not working within CheckIn, go to the Scripts Menu and choose “Show CheckIn Activity Log” and then select the log by clicking on the little speech bubble icon for the current time stamp since its the last activity that was done. Please highlight all the text in the log and copy and paste it into your support email to us.

If you see error ‘403 Forbidden” under the Response Header section you will need to email Apple GSX Web Services support at gsxws@apple.com  *(If you receive Error 401, best to email svc.authorize_amr@apple.com to find out if there is an issue with your Apple ID or to ask Apple for assistance re-provisioning that GSX ID with the correct access. 

** If under the section "RESULT," you see no text (rather than an error message), it's possible this will be resolved by restarting the FileMaker Script Engine by going into Terminal and typing in fmsadmin restart fmse then type in Y and then hit return. (this can be done without quitting the FileMaker server. 

For any errors after onboarding  email us at:  support[at]checkinpos[dot]com before contacting Apple.  Usually the errors are on Apple's side but we would first like to see what you are getting to properly direct you.  (as mentioned above, if it's a 403 or 401 error, you can email Apple directly and just copy us on the  email).

Proper email format to use when emailing Apple:
When requested by us to email Apple, Email Apple GSX Web Services support at     gsxws@apple.com 
(the subject must include your Sold To & Ship To #’s & company name at the start of the subject line. The email body must start with the below requested information): 

You should also paste the log info into the body of the email.  
(When emailing Apple the subject must include your Sold To & Ship To #’s & company name at the start of the subject line. The email body must start with the below requested information:

Sold To & Ship To (account numbers):
Environment you are attempting to access: CheckIn POS                                                                                                                          AppleID used for authentication:
API consumed: GSX
Primary IT Contact name:
Contact’s email:
Contact’s phone number: