Just a friendly reminder to run your year end reporting in case you or your bookkeeper has not put a year end CheckIn reporting workflow in place.  Below is a list of reports to consider running at years end.  Of course the main one is the Inventory in Stock report at the least!  All others are really up to you and your accounting team and what your workflow dictates.

1.  AR Report- put in start date from beginning of use
2.  Transactions with Deposits report- this will show unearned revenue - (meaning any money that you have on deposit on an SRO or Order that was not yet invoiced.)
3.  Monthly Sales Reports to ensure your monthly inputs have not changed for sales
4.  Write off amount for accountant - Payment Method totals- input time period and pmt method (assuming you have a patient method setup to keep track of write offs!)
5.  If using the Apple Reconciliation Tool - be sure to go to the unsettled credit memos tab and fix any outstanding credit memos not paid with Apple or any payments not invoiced.
6. Run the Inventory in Stock report before you open your store and create new invoices as your inventory value will be requested by your accountant for your taxes!  (CheckIn does not provide historical inventory reporting so it crucial to run this report before creating new sales in the new year.  We do have a “Lookback Tool” that can help if its run not too long after the start of the new year)