How to Use Pricing Levels in CheckIn

In version 4.1, we added Pricing Levels to CheckIn. Pricing levels allow you the ability to automate pricing for your business. It's extremely powerful and flexible. 

IMPORTANT! - When applying Pricing Levels, please test your pricing level setup to make sure you're pricing your products as desired. If you'd like a consultation, please contact CheckIn Sales to purchase one-on-one assistance. 

How to Access and Setup Pricing Levels

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To view a Pricing Level, simply click on it. To Create a new one, click on New Pricing Level

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The different aspects of a Pricing Level:

Name - This is what you'll see when choosing this level on transactions, products, departments and customers. It is also the value you'll see when running reports. Choose a name that reflects what your pricing level does. 

Active - This indicates if the Level is active. If unchecked, the pricing level will be hidden from selections and pricing levels. If unchecked while the pricing level is assigned on an order, quote, invoice or SRO that is NOT posted the pricing level will no longer be calculated and it will even revert back to the original price if the transaction is being processed.

Level Type - There are 7 different Pricing Level Types. 

Regular Price Levels - These price levels can be applied by assigning both the customer and the product or department to the same price level. These price levels can also be used as discount types on a transaction as long as you set the "Show When Applying Discounts on Transaction" option.

  • Alt Price - This level allows you to specify a price at the product or department level. 
  • % Off - This level allows you to specify a % off of the regular price of your product ( Retail Price ) at the product or department level
  • $/€ Off - This level allows you to specify a certain amount off of the regular price of your product ( Retail Price )at the product or department level. 
  • % Over Cost - This level will calculate the price of a product by calculating the % over cost (or Markup) 
  • Margin - This level will calculate the price the product based on the margin percentage specified. 

Performance Price Levels - These price levels work a little different the Regular Price Levels. These levels allow you to define pricing based on how many products a customer purchases on a single transaction. To make these Price Levels active, you must assign one to the Default Performance Pricing Level of the Product or Department. You can have only ONE assigned per product or department. 

  • BuyX GetX - Allows you to specify how many of a product and what the % discount is when the terms are met. There are some restrictions to this pricing level, in that fractional quantities may not work via this level. Also, modifying quantities after a product is placed on the transaction is not permitted. This price level should be used only in situations where products are scanned individually. 
  • By Qty - Allows you to specify prices/discount based on how many products are purchased on a single transactions. This level allows you to define 5 sub-levels. When pricing levels are applied, you can specify if the new price is displayed as a discount off of the regular price. To do that, simply click the "When sold, calculate the price as a discount"
NOTE! A Regular Price Level will ALWAYS override a Performance Price Level IF the Regular Price level is triggered. 
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How to Assign a Pricing Level to a Customer:

Locate the customer via the Customer Dashboard using the Quick Search or the Find feature. When in the customer record simply pick the Pricing Level desired (see pic below).

A customer can be assigned to as many pricing levels as desired. If the products or departments on the transaction are in the matching pricing level, THE FIRST matching pricing level will be used. To control which pricing level has priority, simply specify the priority number in the available field. The lower the number, the higher the priority. 

Note: The customer name must be added to a transaction BEFORE products are added in order to trigger the Pricing Levels to activate. 

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How to Assign a Pricing Level to a Department:

Locate the Department via the Products Dashboard > Departments button. When in the Department record, click the Pricing Levels tab and add the Pricing Level(s) desired (see pic below). There is no limit to the number of Pricing Levels you can assign to a department. 

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NOTE: Pricing Levels assigned to Departments are automatically applied to ANY Product assigned to that same department. You can override this for specific products in the Department by assigning Price Levels at the Product level. 

The Prompt Pricing Levels When Selling will cause Checkin to provide a Pricing List Prompt when you are adding a product to a transaction. This feature is good for situations where you want more flexibly on what pricing levels you want to use for a specific customer and/or product. 

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The Default Pricing Level can be used for situations where you always want one pricing level to be used when performing transactions. 

The Pricing Level Overrides Sale Event should be clicked if you want the pricing level to be used instead of a Sale Event. 

How to Assign a Pricing Level to a Product:

To assign pricing levels to a specific product, simply go to the product record via the Product Dashboard. 

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Pricing Levels assigned to a product will take priority over a pricing level specified at the department level. The available features at the Product Level work the same as the features explained above for the Department level. 

How to Assign a Pricing Level on the SRO, quote, order or invoice:

You do have the ability to assign a pricing level at the transaction level. To make a pricing level appear on a transaction, you simply have to click the Show When Applying Discounts to Transaction? option on the Pricing Level record. Image Placeholder
By doing this and then selecting products on the transaction you wish to discount, you will then be able to apply a Pricing Level on the transaction. 
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Pricing Level Hierarchy 

As you can probably see by now, there are many different approaches to applying pricing levels. Some can be fully automated, while others can be chosen and applied on the transaction. 

This is the order that Pricing Levels are gauged from top to bottom. 

1. If a product is on a transaction (SRO, Quote, Order, Invoice) and you use the Apply Discount button, that will overwrite any predefined price level.