During certain CheckIn updates, we will be updating and adding new privilege options -- this may cause unexpected issues that will be resolved by "refreshing" the privileges. (This specific issue applies to CheckIn version b23.)

In the main CheckIn Dashboard, click on the "More" button, and select "Admin." In the "Security Group" section, select the tier you want to edit, and open that window by clicking the small "Pencil" icon.

At this point, we recommend making notes, or a series of screenshots, to capture all of the information in that window. (That view is scrollable, so make sure you don't miss anything!) CheckIn will restore these settings to default, so it's important to do this before you proceed to the next step.

In the top right part of the "Security Group" window, click the "Delete Privs and Refresh" button. CheckIn will warn you that the settings will be restored to default -- if you've made notes of the configuration, click the "Yes" button.

A new privilege, "Delete_inventory," will have been added to the list. Make sure this is checked. Make sure the rest of the privileges have been properly configured according to the notes you made.

Note that you'll need to make this change for each of the tiers for which privileges change.

Once you've updated all of the "Security Group" tiers, you'll need to log out and back into CheckIn for these changes to take effect. (You can confirm that the issue has been resolved by adding and removing an item from an SRO as a test.)